Centira, Amanda (&) Dawn

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you!

Meet Centira, Amanda and Dawn.

Dawn is the woman in both pictures because she signed up to be a mentor to BOTH of these lovely ladies! She reached out to us right before she met both of her mentees, excited about back-to-back weeknight meetings that were sure to fuel career and community engagement!

This is what Dawn had to say about choosing to connect with these women and about the experience of having two mentees:

I wanted to be a mentor with Lead(h)er because I have a passion for empowering women.  I love to be a part of leading women to their full potential and making a difference.  We all need mentors.  I was blessed to have a fabulous mentor and I want to pay it forward.  Taking on two mentees was an easy decision for me... I can make the time in my schedule and each of these women comes to the table with different needs which makes it really interesting.  One of my mentees is looking for direction as she starts her career and the other has an established career, so is coming at career development from a different perspective.  It is a privilege for me to be able to help them meet those needs.  I'm excited to see what we can do together!

We love Dawn's insight here because it shows that it is completely possible to take our experiences and use them to help women who find themselves in all sorts of places on the career path. The trick to a successful mentoring relationship is not necessarily about being an expert - instead, the trick is to stay open, meet people where they're at in the moment and be willing to lend any experience that might be useful.

Thanks for sharing, ladies!  Keep fueling!

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